Sunday, March 13, 2022


 It's been over a year since I've posted anything on here. I probably don't have any more followers or readers. But, here I am. Lots has changed in the last year. I lost four very good friends. Unbelievably, none to Covid. Cancer and other ailments took my friends. All four were from different parts of my life. College, young parenthood, recent life. I have moved through the grief like swimming through molasses. Still grieving, but living my life and being grateful for so many things.

What else? Oh, we moved! My house that I lived in for over 30 years was put on the market, and we bought another that is OUR house. I loved my previous house. But I lived in it with a former spouse for most of my time there. After I married again, a relative suggested that we get a new house and start fresh. I wasn't ready at first. I really made my former home my own, and then I met my current husband. I wanted to enjoy all of the personal changes that I made to the home before moving. But it was time. And now I love our new house.

Knitting? Oh yes, there's been lots of that. Here are a few things...

Last one was for my daughter. She saw someone wearing it at a fall festival, and asked where the person bought it. She told her she knit it, and told here where the pattern could be found. So, of course I knit one for her. There have been a few other sweaters, baby blankets, socks various things knit in the last year. But these are a few. Happy belated New Year to whoever is still here. I'll try to come back soon!


  1. Nice to hear from you again! Your projects are amazing. I am so sorry for your losses. I've lost a few friends along the way lately and it's so hard. Grief can be very hard work. Take care of yourself.

    1. I'm trying, thanks. And thanks for the compliments. My knitting is therapy to me.

  2. So glad to hear from you! I know, losing friends is awful now and happens more often than we like as we grow older! The socks are so pretty but that afghan is amazing!

    1. Thank you! Knitting gets me through the good time and hard times. The afghan was knit for the wife of one of my friends who died.

  3. Just emailed you. Thanks for the kind words!

  4. It is definitely good to see you back to blogging. Congratulations on the new husband AND the new home.
    I'm sorry about the losses. We've lost 6 relatives in the past 18 months along with several friend. It has definitely been a difficult time lately and I understand how hard of a job grieving is.
    Your knitting is beautiful. I love the afghan and the sweater is really sweet too.
    I hope you share some photos of your new house with us.

  5. Your knitting is sure beautiful.

  6. Hello,
    It is nice to see a post and update from you. I am sorry for your losses but I am glad you are well. Congrats on your new home. Your daughter looks cute in the sweater you knitted, well done. Take care, enjoy your day and new week ahead.

  7. I am so very sorry for all the loss of precious souls in your life. Grief is terrible and difficult, and it can often come in waves unexpectedly. It's not a weakness to ask for help in order to find your way through it all.

    Congratulations on your new home, one that you and your family will make your own and special. I'm happy for you all.

    The jack o' lantern sweater is perfect. I know your daughter is pleased. It's so cute. And I'm glad to see you back here.

  8. congrats on the move! we moved as well last July to be near my sister and family. It was difficult to go through that big change. I'm sorry you lost so many friends, so sad.
