Wednesday, July 8, 2020

The Garden

I am quite liberal with the garden pictures these days. There's a reason for that. The garden is something that keeps me going.

There's growth in the garden. There's change. 

New things emerge daily. Nothing is stagnant. 

There's a feeling of fluidity.  Purpose.

Plants have motivation. There is no status quo.  Things change. Things bloom. Things grow.

There's beauty without vanity. 

Diversity without judgement.

The only conflict that I see are the weeds trying to take over the soil.

The garden keeps me going. It makes the day less ordinary.  It's an anchor in an otherwise uncertain world. 


  1. Oh, I enjoy plants so much, too. It is always fun to watch thing emerge and change with growth.

  2. Very true and I'm glad that you have your garden to give you joy in these unusual days that we're living in.

  3. Hello, your garden and flowers are beautiful. The garden is a happy place. Have a great day!

  4. Ah yes to this! Nice pictures too!!

  5. Agreed. The Mister and I were just saying that we've spent a small fortune on our little cart garden with little pay off but the joy has been in the doing during these terrible times.

  6. Very perceptive observations. Our gardens are like fantasy worlds.

    Lovely photos.

  7. I agree!! I m out to pick some clover right now! and make tea. And give some to the goats down the road. Gardens are havens for us albeit work to get them to stay healthy , correctly watered and away from critters who want their share of them too

  8. Beautiful flowers-I have many of them here, too. I find that the garden is a constant--and that is indeed very comforting! Hang in there!

  9. There are times and places where is wish the weeds would take over - very low maintenance

  10. I hope all is well in your world and you just are not in the mood to blog...wishing you well.

  11. Lovely photos. I try to stay out of the garden until the weeds have taken over!

  12. Miss reading you. I know late summer is a busy, busy time.
