Sunday, June 7, 2020


Today was another adventure in bread baking. Some friends and I split an order of 20 pounds of whole wheat flour from a local mill. Today, I used some to make some whole wheat bread. Baking bread is definitely an art that takes patience. Lots of waiting for the dough to rise, etc. But it is so worth it!

This recipe is divine. It has a bit of honey, which adds a perfect taste to the bread. Not too much, just enough. 

I decided to scrap the last sock that I was knitting. I wasn't thrilled with the color or the texture of the yarn. I'm going to start a new one:

Years ago, I bought a set of laminated fold-out sock patterns called Box of Socks. They are great patterns, and I like them for a little variety. Here's my yarn choices:

Multi-color yarn is Shibui that I probably bought 10 years ago. Same with the sparkly one, which is Lorna's Laces. The sparkle maroon will be for the heels and toes.

I'm thinking of keeping my camera in the kitchen. There's so much activity out my window as I stand at the sink! The remodel included a move for this sink from a solid wall to the window. I'm so glad that I did this! Here's a pair of goldfinches having thistle breakfast this morning by the shed:

See you all tomorrow!


  1. That bread looks amazing! I was going to make some this morning but I got a case of the lazies. You're making me sorry.

  2. In my opinion, EVERY kitchen should have a window over the sink!

  3. OH, pretty yarn for the socks! I would give anything if I could look out the window when washing dishes!

  4. That bread looks delicious!
    Cute little finches. I hear them in the cedars behind our house all the time.

  5. Beautiful yarn and the bread looks wonderful. I can almost smell it!

  6. Hello, you have a nice view of the birds out your window. The yarn colors are pretty. The bread looks delicious, honey and wheat YUM! Wishing you a happy new week!

  7. I see those birds on my walk! I wish I could feed birds but the bears are abundant in my area and I know with my luck that is what would come to my bird feeder.

  8. That bread...!

    I can't imagine not having a window above the sink. Seriously, I've never seen a house without that arrangement. So glad you insisted on that.

  9. Love the two yarns for your socks. The sparkle for the heels and toes will be fun! Your bread looks yummy.
