Tuesday, June 30, 2020

A Happy Diversion

Watching the news makes me anxious.  I miss going out to a restaurant with my husband.  It's been almost a year since I've seen my grandchildren. I am letting negativity get to me. I am working on this. So let's go happy today!

I bought a bunch of bulbs and tubers online in March to plant in pots. Elephant Ear, Canna Lily and a Turmeric plant. I liked the way that the Turmeric flower looked. Almost like a Bromeliad. It sprouted in April and grew. I had forgotten what the actual plant looked like, so I just assumed that the tall plant was the turmeric plant. 

Hmmmm....looks a lot like a sunflower, doesn't it?  Yeah. It's a sunflower. Who knows what happened to the turmeric. But that's ok! It's going to look happy and sunny on the patio! And it has a resident! He's been hanging out by the blossom for 2 days now.

Baby mantis. 

Here's a link to the turmeric that was supposed to grow..

Anyhow, on to other happiness. I was on Reddit this morning, trying to avoid the news and politics. At the top of the feed, there's always a question that someone poses. Today it was "What are some VERY comforting facts?"  I urge you to go on there and read the comments all the way to the left. People have posted things like, "All of Mr. Rogers' sweaters that he wore on air were knitted by his mother." "Otters hold hands when they sleep so that they don't lose their partner" They are uplifting and comforting, for sure

If my Reggie doesn't make you happy, nothing will.

Here's hoping that you find some happiness today! Leave something in the comments showing what made you happy today!


  1. Reggie is adorable, and so is that baby mantis!

    1. Reggie has brought us such happiness. By August, I'm sure that I'll have a BIG mantis!

  2. Hello,

    Seeing Reggie makes me happy, he is sweet! Take care, Enjoy your day!

  3. We have baby mantis' around too!! Turmeric! Who would have thought of growing it here? Pretty flower though - may need to give it a try! The whole pandemic/isolation thing is so wearing and draining, isn't it?

    1. the website said that it was within my climate zone, so I went for it! Except it never came up...

  4. Hi Reggie!!! What a cutie!
    I hear you about being anxious. I have good days and bad days and lately most have been bad. I used to dream about being cut off from the world so I would be able to do what I wanted to do when I wanted to do with no obligations but now that it is here it's not nearly as much as fun as I thought it would be.
    What's making me happy today is that The Mister left me alone for a few hours while we went to play golf. It's amazing how different the day is without someone always looking over your shoulder.

    1. I love my husband, but I do sometimes like a couple hours of alone time. I get it.

  5. I just found some happiness here...I really enjoyed this post. I started the day by reading this post this morning: http://fourpawsetc.blogspot.com/2020/06/red-rug-is-mine.html

    I don't know if you read The Mad Snapper (Sandra in comments on my blog) But the u
    URL above is to her dog's blog...I laughed till I cried both this morn and just now when I went back to see if it was as funny as I thought it was this morn.

  6. I love this post. Perhaps the baby mantis is waiting for ants that will appear as the sunflower opens.

    1. Could be! He has been hanging around for 2 days now.

  7. Aww...the blogs make me happy, too! So glad that we reconnected.

  8. I laughed and laughed about your Turmeric In Disguise. As soon as I saw it, I said "Sunflower." I think you'll be happy about your Impostor...and its resident.

    Here are a few of my Happies for the weekend:
    1. My husband took a day off.
    2. We'll be at the lakehouse.
    3. Boat rides!

  9. I'm sorry you haven't seen your family in a while. These are trying times!! I keep hoping I get to see my daughter soon but until then we wait!

  10. Beautiful post. You might as well smile about the garden surprises!
    Not seeing some family is a misery for sure. Be glad we have FaceTime/Skype/Zoom to keep us going. Lovely puppy smile!
