Wednesday, November 4, 2020


 I saw this on Facebook, and had to laugh. We could all use the humor right now...

I started another sweater. The Burrand Inlet sweater (on Ravelry) is a top down sweater pattern with a yoke. I had bought some yarn the other day on the sale rack at the yarn shop, specifically for this pattern. The yarn is 75% cotton and 25% merino. They had several colors on the sale rack. A very good price for a yarn that I wouldn't normally be drawn to. 

The purple is the main color. The gray is the contrasting color.

The pink slash means 30% off. A good deal!

I really like color work pattern. 

In other news, this mess on the side of the house outside the kitchen is going to change very shortly. Up against the wall, there used to be a raised bed built up with metal walls. It was put in by the previous owners over 30 years ago. The husband pulled it out and got rid of the extra dirt. Big changes coming! Stay tuned.

You can see where the dirt was by the change in color of the stucco. See you soon with progress.


  1. Love that first...I so woukd love for Roger to going some place.

    30% off is a good deal no matter what it is.

  2. How fun to see the merino wool came from Wyoming. The sweater color work looks great.

  3. That is a beautiful sweater!!! I might have to just add that to my queue.
    I can't wait to see what your mystery project turns out to be.

  4. The sweater is oh, so pretty! I bet it feels good through your fingers, too. I love a good outdoor project--can't wait to see what the plans are!

  5. I'm curious as to what your outdoor project will be. Inquiring minds want to know! That purple yarn is so pretty and so is the sweater.

  6. Hello,
    I love the yarn colors for the sweater, the pattern looks pretty. I can wait to travel again, I wish the virus was gone.
    Your project sounds mysterious, I am looking forward to seeing what will happen with the extra space. Take care, enjoy your day!

  7. That graphic is too funny! I'm feeling the restlessness, too.

    I'm with Dee--my outdoor space has been feeling neglected this summer because of projects at the lakehouse. This week we're getting nice weather, so we'll be busy.

  8. i think some travel (covid-free, of course) would all do us some good!
    Lovely yarn grab!
    I look forward to seeing yard progress!

  9. NIce yarn! That's going to be such a pretty sweater. Love the travel meme.
