Sunday, March 29, 2020

Can't Stop Baking

I think that I'm finding too much comfort in baking these days. Knitting is my go-to form of calm, but lately I just love baking. I don't know if it's my newly remodeled kitchen (It was badly needed) or the current isolation situation. But if I could, I would bake something every day. Now if I could keep from consuming the end results, I might be ok. Here is today's bake:

Apple Pie bars. Much easier than apple pie, and just as good.

HERE Is the recipe. 

Also, I started a new sock:

I'll catch you up on my yarnbombing tomorrow. 


  1. I can imagine your kitchen smelled WONDERFUL while those bars were baking!

    Pretty sock too!

  2. Whoops, I've started baking too. Bad bad bad.

  3. Those bars look wonderful and pretty socks too.
