Friday, March 20, 2020


I am a knitter. I'm a lot of other things, but when I'm at my calmest, it is when I'm knitting. I knit with two groups of women that I've known for years. Knitting brings people together and helps to foster relationships. I've knitted afghans, baby blankets, socks, scarves, more socks, stuffed animals and sweaters. Did I mention socks?
A very good portion of my knitting is given away. I never ever take money for knitting. I sometimes take requests, but mostly I just like to knit for people. Socks are my go-to project. They fit in a bag to take anywhere. I have knitted in many doctor's waiting rooms while relatives who have had various surgeries or check-ups. I've knitted on a plane, in a train, in restaurants with other knitters and of course at home.
This is my latest project. Soon, sock #2 will be finished. There's its cuff on Lamby-pie. It is knitting up completely differently than the cuff on sock #1, but it will be fine. It's called color pooling, and you can't predict it.

Yesterday's inside life caused me to bake. I made molasses ginger cookies for my husband. You might as well know now that when I say this, it is a veiled attempt to hide the fact that I make them for me as well as him.  It sounds better if I make cookies for my sweet tooth hubby out of the goodness of my heart. This is true, but it's also for the goodness of my stomach.

There's a movement in my neighborhood of people and children chalking up their sidewalks and the street out front so that when people take their walks (the one safe thing that a lot of us still do) they can see all the artwork. We don't have any chalk, so I was thinking that I might yarn bomb my tree out front. Boredom does breed creativity in me.

HERE's what I'm talking about. Stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. Socks are my “go to” knitting project, too. In fact, most of my yarn stash is sock yarn.
