Sunday, March 22, 2020


So, in order to keep socially distanced and not distanced from sanity, I decided to yarn bomb my tree out front. Here is the first piece. Simple garter stitch sleeve from my leftover yarn. I may get more elaborate in my stitches and color patterns as I add pieces. For now, I have put out the beginning flag of creativity (which my neighbors may see as the flag of an unbalanced person). It will stay up and grow until the quarantine comes down. Or until there are pitchfork-and-torch carrying neighbors asking me to remove it.


  1. Hello Minerva, thanks for visiting my blog. I can't say I've seen your name pop up before, but well... I see a lot of names! Where do you live? I like the idea of yarn bombing the tree, I might even do the one out the front of our property yet... if I get bored enough. lol

    1. Hi, Chris! My name isn't really Minerva. I had another blog a long time ago named Bellathena's Blog. I started reading your blog when I had that old blog back then. I live in the U.S. This one is new and I'm just getting started!
