Friday, May 8, 2020


the week is almost over. Where did it go? One day just blends into the next. No anchors on my schedule to plug me into a certain day. Just a slow ride of monotony. It's what we fill our days after days after days with that makes them interesting. Walks, knitting, an online chat with a friend, baking, reading. It's all stuff to fill our days so that they don't end in emptiness.  

I have a friend who is posting how she can finally get her hair done in her state. Off she goes to the stylist that's newly opened. Like nothing happened. It worries me. Where will she be in a few weeks? I also have local friends who are home and Covid-19 positive. They are in their 40's and have a relatively mild case, but still are seriously weak all the time and feel like they are still on their vacation last year to Peru- climbing the mountain and working hard to catch a clear breath. 

Anyway, here in Maryland my house is still social distancing and staying home for the most part. 
Here's today's  rainy day yarnbomb:

I've made some progress on the summer cotton sweater. I'm just about to split the back and front.

There's rain on the hibiscus, giving off a tropical vibe (even though it stayed in the low 60's today). 
Hope you had a Good Friday!


  1. I'm with Dee. Such mixed feelings about all of this while still trying to follow all of the rules of social distancing. We are at the lake with friends, but we're staying away from each other although we did share pizza for dinner. We put it in the box on the table and everyone got their pieces without touching anything else. Then we ate sitting 8 feet or more apart while we visiting. Such a strange life we're all living right now.

    1. I'm glad that you got to have a little fun with friends, even if it was distant.

  2. Ohio is phasing in different businesses, but almost everything will be open by the end of May. That does not mean I will be participating in these forms of commerce. Just because some things appear normal does not mean that Normalcy is here. The virus continues to claim victims, and I don't want to be one or contribute to anyone else being one. I'm constantly astonished (and disappointed) by the protesters who claim they have a Constitutional right to spread a disease.

    1. I don't understand some people either. It scares me.

  3. Without a vaccine or a cure I have no idea how us seniors are ever going to be able to go back to normal. It's very sad and scary.
    Love the new yarn bombing. Your tree must be glorious to see!

    1. It is indeed scary. Let's hope that things turn around.

  4. Hello, I have mixed feelings about starting back up. My hubby is one that is considered high risk. I do enjoy a walk on a WARM sunny day, we are able to keep the social distance. I do enjoy your yarn bombs. The hibiscus is pretty. Take care and enjoy your day and weekend.

  5. So sad. I hope that your uncle-in-law gets better.

  6. The rainy day yarn bomb is very Spring colored!
    There is so much confusion about the lock-down-which adds to the overall confusion!!!! I'm home bound for long time!
