Thursday, May 7, 2020


Yesterday was a bust. Cold, rainy and just not a day for a good mood. I worked on my cotton top. I did knit an addition for the tree today.

I am running out of branches that are easy to see from the road. This one is pretty good, but I had to move the knitted star to make it more seen.  Husband said that a runner went by, and said that she loved the tree. Another reason to keep going!

Here's progress on my cotton top. this yarn is so wonderful to knit with. The pattern is Seven Sisters Top, knitted in Blue Sky organic printed cotton. It's super soft and will be good for Summer.

There was a visitor in my yard early this morning. I couldn't grab the camera fast enough to get a close one. Here's a shot through my front window of across the street after it ran. Pretty sure it's a vixen. 

I received another goodie in the mail that I bought at MD Sheep and Wool Festival (virtual). Cute little scissors that cut yarn really nicely. Maybe since they're red, I won't lose them as fast!
Here's hoping that you had a sunny day today like I did!


  1. Cute lady bug. It’s been terribly windy today: gusts over 50mph. It’s quite cool, too.

    1. Tomorrow we have more rain and cold. I am looking forward to warmer weather, which should be here already!

  2. That ladybug is so cute!
    We used to see foxes all the time near our old house. We're too far into the city now, though on a quiet night, we can hear the coyotes in the far off fields

  3. Such a cute ladybug addition to the tree. We have lots of coyotes here. One ran up to my husbands office window at work yesterday. It was trying to catch a marmot!

  4. Hello, the ladybug is so cute. I liked the heart too, you need more branches. The yarn bombs do make me smile. Cute shot of the fox. Happy Friday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  5. Love that ladybug!!! It must be fun for your neighbors to watch your tree progress. Son lives in Michigan and there is a family there that has two life sized skeletons and every night during the lockdown they have been going out and posing them doing different things so you get a surprise every morning. I've seen the photos on Twitter and it's hilarious.

  6. Very cute addition to the art of your tree. I am amazed at how you can knit shapes so well! Here's to a warmer day!

  7. boy that is a big fox! Ours are quite smaller and never sit for a photo (ha ha ha). I love the cotton top and the color!

  8. Oh, heck! How did I miss this post? LOVE LOVE LOVE that ladybug. And those scissors are so cute. Red is my favourite colour.
