Saturday, October 17, 2020


 It's Saturday, or as we like to call it in this house, "Svengoolie Night". Svengoolie is a really campy movie host out of Chicago that shows really campy (and sometimes classic) horror movies. His puns and corny jokes make you moan, but for some reason, it has become a tradition for us to watch him every Saturday night. I think it gives me warm fuzzies because it reminds me of being in college and watching bad Saturday night movies in the dorm lounge with a bunch of friends. Back then, the hosts were out of Cleveland. Big Chuck and Little John. Back East, we had Count Gore De Vol out of Washington D.C. I think that every city had a B movie host back in the day. Everyone remembers Elvira! Svengoolie is a hold-out from that era. 

On to knitting...

I had eight balls of this Tahki Tweed (now discontinued) in the stash in Aran weight. I had one skein of the lovely blue/green/white Shetland tweed that was given to me by a friend who went to Shetland Wool Week last year and brought it back for me. 

So, I put down the previous red yarn from two days ago, and I started this:

I'm hoping that it will grow when blocked. It seems a bit small. Oh yeah...I forgot to do a gauge swatch.  I was so excited about starting it, that I just jumped in. Duh. I will gift it to someone if it doesn't fit.

I almost forgot- Reggie had his one year birthday on Wednesday! He still acts like a knucklehead puppy, but he's now officially a big boy. He keeps us laughing and entertained.

Hope you all have a good Saturday!


  1. Gore de Vol! I haven't thought about him in ages. I love the old horror movies. The new ones are too gory for me.
    I never swatch either I just knit on and hope for the best. I've gifted a lot of sweaters that way myself.
    Happy birthday Reggie! Pup's birthday is on the 24th and she will be 7. Where does the time go. It seems like I just brought her home.

  2. I remember Elvira but none of the others you mentioned. I rarely swatch but so far have been pretty lucky!
    Happy birthday to Reggie. He's a young'un. Chloe just turned 15. I can't stand that thought but so far, so good. She's in great health just almost deaf and sleeps more. But then again, I sleep more too! Ha!

  3. Happy Birthday to Reggie! He is so sweet! I love the Shetland wool colors, very pretty. I hope all goes well with the sweater, it looks lovely. Take care, enjoy your day!
    Have a great day week ahead!

  4. Lovely sweater start.

    Reggie's smile is so winning. How great are dog smiles? The best.

    One of my best friends used to appear with Big Chuck and Little John in their skits. He's now a big deal in Cleveland television as a producer. Small world.

  5. We get the Svengolie show here on Sat night--I can't get through the corny jokes! lol The sweater is gorgeous; I hope it fits! Reggie has a big smile!

  6. I hope your sweater grows as well, it probably will! I get like that and start a sweater with excitement!

  7. Happy Birthday to Reggie!

    Love your project-love the colors.
