Thursday, October 8, 2020


 I have given the shawl a second chance. I ripped back quite a bit and knitted it again. So far so good. 

It's kind of wonky the way it knits up on the right side, but hopefully will block out nicely. 

I had two new chairs delivered yesterday for the high counter in the kitchen. Originally I had bought 2 chairs on an online home goods site back in March (the company rhymes with Hey There). One of them basically disintegrated. My husband kept re-screwing the screws to keep it from being wobbly, but one day it finally fell apart. So, I went out of the box as far as my style and bought two new ones at a better company. I love them!

They're navy and white striped and woven. Very comfy and can be wiped down to clean. 

Here's a picture of a cute little critter taking a nap on the fence outside the kitchen window. He stayed there for a while, then scampered off. I think that I woke him up.

That's about it. We voted by using a ballot box yesterday. I'll be checking online in a few days for confirmation that it was received. Went to the grocery store this morning. Everyone was masked up, and I felt pretty safe. Today I'm working on the shawl and will be taking Sir Reggie for a walk with the husband. Enjoy your day! I'll leave you with this:


  1. Our box doesn't open until the 15th. We went and looked for it yesterday but it's not here yet-just the one for the local elections whose ballots we have yet to receive. The Mister's general election ballot hasn't shown up either and it's been two weeks now since the site said it was on route. Big worries...

  2. I voted a couple of weeks ago, and I’m happy I can ignore the news that is election related.

  3. Our ballots are supposed to be mailed out to our citie's citizens tomorrow. I'm anxious to vote and get it done and over with. I'm tired of all of the election coverage.
    The new chairs are so nice. So many times I wish I had bought other things than I did because I stayed on the safe side of decor. If we ever have a "sticks and bricks" home again I want to be a little more adventurous.
    That little squirrel is so cute!

  4. Thisevchsurs look very comfy! Hope the shawl goes okay from now on...I like the way it looks.

  5. around here masks are worn and it's nice to see that. Can't wait to get my ballot in the mail, it hasn't been sent as of yet. my husband fixed one of our kitchen chairs after I bought a replacement rung that was close to the original. So far it's holding up.

  6. I voted in person, masked and gloved. It was very orderly and very safe. The wait was about 20 minutes, outdoors and socially distant. Thank goodness for early voting in Ohio. My 90-year old mother went, too, with her fold-up chair and cane. "He's gotta go!" she said.

    I love your kitchen counter chairs. Great choice.

  7. The squirrel is very cute! Nice photo! I'm so glad you are knitting the shawl-it looks so soft and luxurious! I am voting for the kind of country I want to live in, too--capitalist all the way!

  8. Hello,

    I hope all ends well for your shawl. I love the new chairs, the colors look pretty. The squirrels find the weirdest ways to nap! We are dropping off our ballot too. Take care, enjoy your weekend!
