Thursday, April 23, 2020


Could it be Thursday? Seems like this week is going fast. Here's today's addition to the yarn bomb tree. A little spring color.

I was in the shed this afternoon, and found a little visitor that used to be by my pond. I took him out and put him back on the the rocks by the pond.

He'll have to do until the real frogs return. I built the pond because of my fondness for frogs. It truly is a case of "If you build it, they will come". I have never gotten any tadpoles or frogs for my pond. They somehow find my pond on their own every year. It's been cold here, so they are slow to return this spring. Here's a picture from last year...

Three of my beauties. See them all? I just love them.

Tonight was chili and cornbread. I like to use a cast iron skillet to bake the cornbread. And I use my Grandmother's old LustreWare pot to cook the chili. The recipe that I like is THIS ONE.  I add a TBSP of sugar and a can of plum tomatoes torn up by hand. Other than that, no other changes to this recipe.

Lastly, I received a wonderful gift in the mail today! I was telling a friend about my lack of yeast and how the stores don't have any, and she mailed me some! 

Score! What a nice surprise. Now, I must motivate and read up on how to bake bread. 
See you tomorrow!


  1. well, it's certainly cold enough outside to have it!

  2. Oh yum!!! I love chili and cornbread. I have yeast and have been making some bread. Love your tassels on the latest "bomb."

    1. Good for you for making bread! My mother always made bread. I've got to get motivated and try.

  3. Love the rocks around your pond! The frog statue is cute--I have somehow gathered bunches of them in my flower gardens!

    1. There were some rocks scattered around the back of my property. They were perfect for the pond. The frogs like the heat that they give off, I think.

  4. Bless your friend for sending you the yeast. I love frogs, too. And toads. So does my granddaughter. And I like your fake one.

    1. When my granddaughter comes to visit, we go on a frog hunt.

  5. Chili has been popular on blogs this week. It must be chilly out there! :-). Our daugher and SIL had a pond at their house in Portland, OR. They had lots of frogs show up every summer. I loved sleeping at their house with the window open. I could hear the frogs croaking all night long.

  6. Hello, the yarn bomb tree is pretty. The chili and cornbread sound delicious! I have never tried to make bread, good luck.
    Take care, stay safe! Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend!

  7. Love the latest addition.

    Everyone told me that when we installed our pond decades ago, the frogs would just show up. None ever have! To this day, we are frogless. Raccoons have shown up; herons have shown up; cats have shown up; hawks have shown up; however, nary a frog.

  8. I’m happy you have yeast! And I love that frog ceramic and the real frogs too. How fun.

    1. Thanks, so am I! Now if I could just read up on making bread..

  9. I've got real cornbread envy! I haven't been able to get any cornmeal or even cornbread muffin mix. Funny the things that folks hoard in a crisis.

    1. Mine was a box mix. It was pretty good. It is weird what is scarce these days...
