Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Tuesday Is For Cake

Giving in to my ongoing uncontrollable urge to bake, I made a cake today. I used an old fashioned recipe for hot milk cake.  I usually make this and serve it in squares with no embellishment. But today, I made buttercream frosting. Just because. 
Hot milk cake is one of those recipes that requires ingredients that you most likely have in your pantry and fridge. And if you don't, it's not to hard to run out and get a few. 
I use THIS recipe.  My mother used to make it. I feel like it's one of those recipes that's getting lost in time, with the box cake mix being so easy. But honestly, this recipe is easy and it tastes better than box.

I made a super easy addition for the yarn bomb tree. Just garter stitch on big old needles with an I-cord wrapped around it.

I have not made much progress on my current sock project. I did get past the heel, though. 

I need to pay more attention to my non-tree knitting, I think. I have a knitted top that I want to make for the warm weather. It's a cotton tee. More on that later.
Have a good evening, see you tomorrow!


  1. I looked at the recipe...I do have all the ingredients and hope I can remember to look at it...I may go and copy and paste it if I can...

    1. There is a print option on their website as well. I keep a copy folded in my family recipe book. It's very easy and good! Not quite as sweet as most cakes.

  2. It is. And you can change it up. Husband likes walnuts (always with the walnuts...) and I have finely chopped them in the batter before and I've also put a crumb topping on it.

  3. That cake looks delish!!! My from scratch cupcakes were not so good. I might have to give this recipe a try.

    1. It's a pretty easy foolproof recipe. You should try it!

  4. I made my first cake in ages from scratch on Saturday. It turned out really good. Now I want to try yours too but we have to finish this one first. I also put buttercream frosting on it and sprinkles too. Because everything is better with sprinkles. :-)

  5. That cake looks delicious and I will be trying it soon! Thanks for the link. What yarn are you using for your socks? Pretty!!

    1. It's Berroco Comfort Sock. Hands down the softest sock yarn that I've used.

  6. I love the look of garter with larger needles. I do it often for shawls. It's quick, easy, and looks lacy--nice and lightweight for summer.

    Cake is always good, and so is buttercream. Just buttercream and graham crackers...perfect!

    1. Mmm...buttercream and graham crackers. I might have to try that!

  7. I have a hot milk cake recipe that I use for making strawberry shortcake! It's so good!

  8. Looks like a good recipe. I haven’t made a cake from scratch in decades - time to change that!
