Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Wednesday Somewhat Outdoors

First, I knit a little owl for the tree. No pattern, just kind of winged it (no pun intended). I did have to go on YouTube to figure out how to crochet a flat circle for the eyes. I haven't crocheted for decades. Five decades, to be exact. I was surprised at how it came back to me.

My husband and I went to get topsoil, mulch and a few plants at a garden center this morning. They have a safe and easy system. You go on the website, pick what you need, call them and order and pay over the phone. Then the next day you go to the center and park in one of the numbered parking spaces. You call a special number and give your name and the space number. They come out and leave the stuff by your car. Then when they leave, you get out and put it in your car. I bought two basil plants, a pepper and a lavender plant.

They'll stay on my shelf inside for now.

My new garden boots came today! Aren't they great? The ones that I bought a few years ago at Target gave up on me and split down the back. So this time, I paid a little more for these Muck Boots.

You can wear them two ways.

Years ago, I bought an antique metal gate piece at a local antiques depot. I had it propped up in the garden, but really wanted it anchored. So last fall, I bought two posts and some clamps at the store and today we put it up at the end of the patio. I might put some fairy lights on it. Who knows...

Lastly, I bought a couple bags of my favorite snack. Dried organic mango strips. They satisfy my craving for something sweet and chewy. When I looked at the bag, I noticed that the company had a sense of humor....

Also this little riddle at the bottom..

See you tomorrow!


  1. I love your gate! One year dad and I took an old bed spring and staked it up in the garden and grew peas on it. It was so pretty. You'd never have known it was an old twin bed spring. And the peas were amazing. The best ever.

    1. What a great idea! Bed spring! I bet the peas flourished.

  2. I’m sure more businesses will need to adapt for social distancing for several months. My Mom used a metal headboard much the same way: she called it her “flower bed.”

    1. Flower bed. That's cute! And I bet it looked amazing.

  3. I love those boots! Our garden center has that safe pick up too.

    1. Bery comfortable boots. And they hose off, too!

  4. The owl is so fun. I can't believe you just crocheted that without a pattern after so long. I love both the boots and the gate. I bought myself some new rain/muck/camping/walking the dog in the rain boots last fall. I haven't even worn them yet. Thanks for sharing such fun things with us.

    1. I wore the boots yesterday while gardening, even though it was sunny here. No muck anywhere! But when it does rain and get muddy, I'm ready! Thanks for your kind words.

  5. LOL - that's a great bag (dried mango). I'll need to give them a try (we have dried cherries, blueberries, apricots, papaya). Your owl is so cute - your tree must be so colorful. Your metal gate piece is beautiful. I bet it looks wonderful at night with the fairy lights on it.

    1. I need to branch out and get more dried fruit. Papaya sounds good! I don't have any lights on the gate yet, but will probably get some. I would like to have some sort of flowering vine on it but it's under a tree and mostly shaded.

  6. Better basil at Whole Foods may show up in the coming weeks. It's still early. I was surprised that they had such healthy plants this early.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. That owl is wonderful! I love it.

    I have a lot of wrought iron pieces in our back garden. I really like the look. Never thought of the fairy lights, though. Neat idea.

    1. Thank you! Fairy lights on a patio on a warm summer night= peaceful space.

  9. (I thought I had added you to my feed but I goofed, obviously! I'm catching up!) Love the garden gate!!!!!
