Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Today we got up early and went to a small grocery store. They had flour and sugar, and I bought some for my baking addiction. No yeast, though. My baking powder also came via Amazon. I had made some from cream of tartar and baking soda, but it's nice to have the real deal. As far as yeast, I might substitute and make a sourdough starter if I can get up the energy and courage.

Today is just a color day for the tree. Here are a few fuller pictures of the tree as well..

Robin's egg blue for today.

I wound some yarn for a future project today. A two-color shawl. 

The yarns are from two local dyers. The one on the left is from Wullenstudio, colorway is Purple Haze. The one on the right is from Shalimar Yarns, colorway is Gold Rush. Both have been living in the stash here for years.
By the way, if you are ever in the market for a ball winder and swift to wind your yarn into these neat little cakes, I highly recommend this company....

I have bought cheaper ones, and found that they are just that. Cheap. This company makes such sturdy products. Well worth the money!

Tomorrow- A tour of my kitchen. 


  1. I am falling in love with your tree! What kind of tree is it? Your yarn bombing is so fun. I want to do it too!! What pattern are you going to be knitting for your new shawl?

    1. The tree is a dogwood. You should! I find it to be very therapeutic. The shawl will be a pattern called Gotha by Playing with fibre. Simple, but very lovely.

  2. What a beautiful tree. I'll bet the neighbors are waiting everyday to see what appears next.
    I have a cheap little royal ball winder but I have a beautiful table top swift made by Paradise Fibers. I love it. I've had cheaper ones too and this is wonderful.

    1. I don't know that brand. Will have to go see Paradise Fibers online.. My neighbors across the street have told me that they enjoy the daily additions to the tree. One runner told me she loved the owl. I'm glad that it gives people a smile.

  3. I am loving your tree. I don’t usually bake but I am so tempted by all the baking I see on social media. Hope you find yeast soon.

    1. Thank you! Baking is very therapeutic for me.

  4. Whatever works! I bet the Amish swift is nice.

  5. I couldn't get any flour or other baking things in my latest delivery. Or noodles. I don't know why but I am obsessed with noodles. I keep wanting things I usually don't give a second thought to. Weird.
    Strauch makes my drum carder and I love it. I always enjoy their booth at the MDSW.
    Your tree is AMAZING. I wish I had one like that to decorate. All I have are GIANT poplars which I am not on speaking terms with at the moment since they keep falling over and scaring me.

    1. Hahaha! Not on speaking terms with a tree! That made me laugh. And they would scare me, too!

  6. If you've got flour and sugar, you can make your own yeast. It takes a couple of day, but there's lots of instruction on the internet! It's pretty cool.

  7. Your tree is such a fine addition to your neighborhood, which looks homey and welcoming.

  8. Beautiful tree addition! The new shawl will be gorgeous-love the colors!

  9. Thank you! It will be a little while before I start the shawl. But I'm ready!

  10. oh my, I so love that tree in all its glory!
