Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Today's yarn addition brings back memories of Fruit Stripe gum. One of my favorites when I was a kid. "yipes! Stripes! Fruit Stripe Gum!"

Today, I planted some seeds. I marked what's what, so hopefully they'll start sprouting. I have coleus for the planters, two kinds of tomatoes, cucumbers and some wild flowers. I put them in the front room where we get a lot of sun. As you can see, this sun spot is a popular place for one little Boston terrier.

I've set aside some other containers and egg cartons for more seeds. I may do them later. 

Lastly, some of you were so kind as to compliment me on my kitchen. I've been in this old house for decades. I have lived with a kitchen and dining room which were not ideal in my eyes. Blogger doesn't like the video that I took of my kitchen. I have an older video too, of the "before" kitchen. Can't seem to post that one, either. So, I'll try to take a few pictures and post them another day.

Have a good night!


  1. I hope all of your seeds sprout. I haven't been able to get anywhere to get plants or seeds this spring. Maybe soon?
    Love that stripey yarn too.

  2. I used to love that gum too. It never held its flavor long but it was so pretty.

    1. It was pretty. I can still taste that flavor.

  3. It's so exciting to wait for the seeds to sprout--it's always magic to me! I loved Fruit Stripes Gum--I can smell it right now! (green)

  4. Pretty yarn bombing (again). We have sugar snap peas coming up in the garden - also onions and radishes. Potatoes are planted and we have some tomato seedlings. Also garlic which will be ready to harvest in a couple of months. And our rhubarb is growing so fast - I need to get some strawberries to make a pie!

    1. Wow! You are quite the gardener! I hope that I'm not too late in planting.

  5. Reggie appreciates a good dose of Vitamin D to boost his immune system. Smart guy!

    I loved Fruit Stripes gum. I used to collect the wrappers and make that zig-zaggy gum wrapper chain. Not good for anything other than killing time.

    1. I remember those chains! They were fun, if not useful.

  6. They are a spunky breed, for sure!
